
Spousal Maintenance, Child Maintenance and Reasonable Living Expenses

When a court is determining child maintenance and spousal...
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Alcoholism, Drug Abuse and Child and Spousal Maintenance – Separation, Divorce and Family Law – Victoria, BC

A difficult issue arises when a parent or spouse who is...
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Life Insurance Proceeds – Separation, Divorce and Family Law – Victoria, BC

In a separation one of the issues spouses need to address is...
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Self-Employment Income – Separation, Divorce and Family Law – Victoria, BC

When spouses separate it’s important to determine each...
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Child Maintenance, Spousal Maintenance and Imputing Income – Victoria, BC

When determining the appropriate amount of child maintenance...
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Do You Have to Disclose Your New Partner’s Income? (Victoria, BC)

Generally the rule is that your new spouse's income is not...
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Disclosure of a New Spouse’s Income – Separation, Divorce and Family Law – Victoria, BC

Generally the rule is that your new spouse's income is not...
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Special and Extraordinary Expenses – Separation, Divorce and Family Law – Victoria, BC

The Federal Child Support Guidelines require a payor spouse to...
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Child Support Obligations – Separation, Divorce and Family Law – Victoria, BC

When parents separate, the higher income parent (the “payor”)...
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Retroactive Child Support – Separation, Divorce and Family Law – Victoria, BC

Recent cases are stating that a child can sue a parent for...
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Child Support for Children Attending Post-Secondary Education during COVID19 – Divorce, Separation and Family Law – Victoria, BC

When a child is over 19 and attends post-secondary education...
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Child Support – Effect of Subsequent Relationship – Separation, Divorce and Family Law – Victoria, BC

A parent who is required to pay child maintenance is not...
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