
Family Property and Debt and Date of Separation – Separation, Divorce and Family Law – Victoria, B.C.

The Family Law Act sets out a regime whereby all of the property...
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Disclosure – Separation, Divorce and Family Law – Victoria, BC

When working with clients I always emphasize the importance of...
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What If One Spouse Dies After Separation? – Wills, Estates and Family Law – Victoria, BC

If spouses have separated and one spouse dies before their...
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Who Keeps the Family Residence? – Separation, Divorce and Family Law – Victoria, BC

When spouses decide to separate they need to consider how to...
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Selling the Family Residence – Separation, Divorce and Family Law – Victoria, BC

When spouses separate a decision has to be made regarding the...
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Right of First Refusal – Separation, Divorce and Family Law – Victoria, BC

When spouses separate an argument can arise over who gets to...
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Transferring Family Property – Divorce, Separation and Family Law – Victoria, BC

When spouses separate they often need to transfer property...
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Family Trusts – Separation, Divorce and Family Law – Victoria, BC

The B.C. Family Law Act provides that a spouse’s interest in a...
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Contingent Taxes on RRSPs – Separation, Divorce and Family Law – Victoria, BC

  When spouses are dividing their assets after they...
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Distributive Tax – Divorce, Separation and Family Law – Victoria, BC

  When one member of a family owns shares in a corporation,...
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Pensions and Pension Valuations – Separation, Divorce and Family Law – Victoria, BC

When spouses separate they need to determine how they can...
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Division of Family Property – Divorce, Separation and Family Law – Victoria, BC

When spouses separate they often need to transfer property...
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